Tracking Our Truth : Advocacy Driven SANE Medical Care
What are Advocacy-driven SANE Services?
Tracking Our Truth’s SANE medical care and advocacy support services seek to expand choice for victims/survivors of sexual assault. This team of expert advocates and trained nurses offer compassionate and nonjudgmental medical care at private and welcoming community locations. These safe spaces are accessible to victims/survivors without needing to involve hospitals or make a report.
Advocates are available 24/7 and are happy to be with you every step of the way even after the medical exam. Our culturally supportive advocates who specialize in Indigenous ways of knowing and healing can be with you too.
Accessing this safe exam location and using the care of the advocates and nurses who work there is always free of charge to the victim/survivor. We understand that the hospital and criminal justice systems can be hard to trust. We are here to empower you by explaining your options and providing resources for you to begin your journey of healing.
“We believe you, we care about you, and we respect your choices every step of the way. Get the confidential care you deserve!”
The non-hospital exam spaces are located in Rice Lake, WI and Hudson, WI at St. Croix Valley SART. If you or a victim/survivor you know might be in need of medical care after experiencing violence, call or text to talk with an advocate confidentially about your options at 715-532-6976. The exam is free. No insurance information will be collected.
33 Ann Street, Rice Lake, WI 54868
1200 Hosford Street Suite 203, Hudson WI 54016

Who will be at My SANE exam?
These exams are 100% led by you! A caring and compassionate nurse from St. Croix Valley SART whose only focus is your health and wellbeing will do the exam. The nurse will go at your pace and never pressure you to do something you don’t want to do. The main purpose of the exam is to make sure you are medically okay after experiencing violence. You don’t even need to get the whole exam if you don’t want to. Anyone else who you’d like to be there is your choice!
Advocates from Oakwood Haven, St. Croix Tribe DV/SA Program, and Embrace are immediately available to be at your side during the exam and afterwards too. You get to decide if you want an advocate there! All advocates and the services they provide are completely nonjudgmental and confidential. Advocates know you are the expert in your own life, and only you can choose what’s going to be best and safest for you and your situation. Even if you are under the age of 18, you can speak to an advocate privately and safely to explore options.
The nurses and advocates are separate from local hospital systems and the police. We understand that the hospital and criminal justice systems can be hard to trust and reporting to the police is not a safe option for everyone. The police will not be at the exam unless you ask them to be. It is your choice! If you experienced violence and are under the age of 18, the nurse will need to tell the police. If you want to make a police report or have evidence of the violence collected during the exam (sometimes called a rape kit), talk with an advocate to learn about your options.
“[The Staff] were very active in helping me. They were extremely respectful and helpful. the process was so much easier with their help.”
- Survivor
Would you like a Culturally Supportive Advocate to go with you?
If you choose to have an advocate at the exam, culturally supportive advocates from Oakwood Haven and the St. Croix Tribe DV/SA Program can be there for you. Our empathetic and empowering advocates understand Indigenous ways of knowing and can provide cultural healing and support to relatives healing from trauma. From the beginning to the end of your healing journey, our advocates will be your protectors and navigators in a system that’s hard to trust. The support is confidential, and your information is safe. Let us know you’d like an advocate who specializes in Indigenous ways of knowing to go with you.
Oakwood Haven: 715-598-8385
St. Croix Tribe DV/SA Program: 715-431-1148